Sector | institutional development, capacity building and training |
Funding Agency | ADB |
Project Location | Kathmandu |
Province | Bagmati |
Project Started Date | 1 May 2017 |
Project Completion Date | 1April 2018 |
Project Status | Completed Projects |
Clients | Asian Development Bank |
The TA is piggybacked to ADB loan 3012-NEP: South Asia Subregional Economic Cooperation Road Connectivity Project, currently under implementation, and the proposed project 48337-002 NEP: Nepal: South Asia Subregional Economic Cooperation Roads Improvement Project. The aim of this capacity development technical assistance (TA) is to strengthen the Government’s capacity in road maintenance and road asset management, and to improve the sustainability of road transport investments in Nepal. This TA’s objectives are to support DOR in improving the performance of the road sector management, by strengthening institutional arrangements, coordination, and technical expertise at the Project Directorate and project implementation unit (PIU) levels. The TA outputs will be to assist and support the Project Directorate to: (i) adopt modern organization structure and business practices in order to implement ADB-financed projects more efficiently; (ii) improve the operation and maintenance of the roads under the SRN, notably through the implementation of a road asset management plan and of performance-based maintenance contracts; (iii) establish an intelligent transport system to strengthen road safety in a selected road corridor; and (iv) identify high-level technology systems (HLT) to mitigate climate change impacts and strengthen resilience to disasters in future road projects.